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The Worship Committee's report 2005:2
Cohabitation issues

Account of the matter

In the Church Board's communication 2005:9 it is proposed that the Church Assembly adopt the decision to approve the Church Board's handling of continued theological reflection on cohabitation issues and efforts to support children and families, to support the Church Board's statements concerning homosexuals in the Church, and to adopt the Church Board's proposal for amendments to Chapter 23, §4 of the Church Order concerning the blessing of partnerships entered into.

In motion 2005:40 by Jan-Anders Ekelund et al it is proposed that the Church Assembly reject the Church Board's proposal.

In motion 2005:96 by Åke Blomqvist et al it is proposed that, for the Government commission on matrimonial legislation, the Church Assembly instruct the Church Board to request that same-sex couples be permitted to have their relationship confirmed in the Church of Sweden at an official ceremony.

In motion 2005:97 by Åke Blomqvist et al it is proposed that the Church Board be instructed to put forward the view in the same commission that the Church of Sweden wishes to maintain the right to solemnise marriages in accordance with current rules for priests in the Church of Sweden.

In motion 2005:105 by Eva Nyman it is proposed that the Church Assembly approve the Church Board's handling of continued theological reflection on issues of cohabitation and efforts to support children and families, but not the proposal to support the Church Board's statements concerning homosexuals in the Church, nor the proposal for amendments to Chapter 23, §4 of the Church Order concerning the blessing of registered partnerships entered into.

The Doctrinal Committee

The Doctrinal Committee has commented on the communication and motions.

Other committees

The Canon Law and Ecumenical Committees have commented on the communication.


The communication is a continuation of the process of dialogue on the issue of homosexuals in the Church that has been an important part of the Church of Sweden's work in recent years. In 2004 the Worship Committee said that it anticipated “that through new communications to the Church Assembly, the Church Board would continue to push forward the decision process regarding these issues”.

The statements that the Church Board proposes that the Church Assembly accept are:

    • It is not permissible to condemn the homosexual individual or place a burden of guilt on homosexual orientation.

    • The Church shall actively work to counteract discrimination of individuals on the grounds of sexual orientation.

    • The Church of Sweden should not sanction or run organised activities with the aim of “curing” homosexuals of their sexual orientation.

    • Homosexual orientation, or a life in partnership, does not constitute grounds for refusing ordination for service in the Church.

The Church Board proposes that a new paragraph with its own heading be entered in the Church Order. The content of the paragraph is that the Church Board may issue rules on the wording and use of an order of service for the blessing of partnerships entered into.

The Committee

The Worship Committee states that work on theological reflection is fundamental to a church and is of the opinion that the work that the Church Board is ultimately responsible for regarding this issue has been and continues to be of great value.

The Committee points out that the Bible interpretation argument, which is often used by those who do not want to contribute to partnerships being permitted to be blessed, is just as fundamental to those who do want partnerships to be permitted to be blessed. Even for this group, the words and messages of the Bible form an important basis for their points of view.

The Committee states that the Church of Sweden has assumed a particular responsibility for children, and is of the opinion that in this context it is not possible to say that children growing up in same-sex relationships are in a worse situation than that of other children. The question to be posed to the Church of Sweden must instead be whether it is not more in line with the Church's mission to support and bless faithful, steady relationships than not to do so.

The Committee states that those referred to in the Church Board's statements are our sisters and brothers, women and men and those close to them, who are part of our parishes, workplaces and local communities, and it is therefore important that the Church of Sweden now accepts them.

Regarding the proposal for an amendment in the Church Order, the Committee proposes that for reasons of clarity the term “registered partnership” be used instead of “partnership entered into”. The Committee also states that the introductory text and heading of the chapter in the Church Order should be adjusted in accordance with the amendment, and that an effective date should be given.

Proposal for decision

The Committee proposes that the Church Assembly

1. approve the Church Board's handling of continued theological reflection on issues of cohabitation and efforts to support children and families.

2. support the Church Board's statements concerning homosexuals in the Church.

3. adopt the Church Board's proposal for amendments to Chapter 23. §4 of the Church Order concerning the blessing of partnerships entered into, with the amendment of the term “partnerships entered into” to “registered partnerships”.

4. amend the heading of Chapter 23 of the Church Order to “Marriage and Acts of Blessing”

5. instruct the Church Board to come up with proposals for revising the introductory text in Chapter 23 of the Church Order.

6. amendments to the Church Order shall apply as of 1 January 2006.

7. reject the motion 2005:40.

8. reject the motion 2005:96.

9. reject the motion 2005:97.

10. reject the motion 2005:105.


1. A reservation expressed by Lars Ekblad proposes that the Church Assembly reject the Church Board's proposal for the amendment of chapter 23, §4 of the Church Order.

2. A reservation expressed by Alve Svensson and Kjell Söderberg proposes that the Church Assembly not support the Church Board's statement regarding homosexuals in the Church and that it reject the Church Board's proposal for the amendment of chapter 23, §4 of the Church Order.

Special proposal

During the discussions the following was expressed by Staffan Holmgren: it was proposed that the Church Assembly decide to instruct the Church Board to give further consideration to issues of cohabitation (send back for reconsideration).


The Church Assembly decided after voting and counting votes to reject Staffan Holmgren's proposal (yes 161, no 87, abstained 1) and after voting and counting votes to accept the Committee's proposal where item 3 of the Committee's proposal was concerned (yes 160, no 81, abstained 8).

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